Augmenting Morphology in Sonic Cabinet of Curiosities
(IRCAM 2022, Paris)
In the project “Augmenting Morphology, a Sonic Cabinet of Curiosities”, a soundscape is able to bridge fiction and reality. The artist investigates new insights into spectromophology and biological morphology in micro. The aesthetics of electroacoustic narratives and bio-visualization emerge from a speculative acoustic territory from a Wunderkammer (Cabinet of Curiosities) of a fictional post-specimen museum.
The collections of unknown and fantasy objects are AI-generated specimens based on real microscopic images observed by the artist. The artist explores the potential role of machine learning and computer-assisted composition in the process of curating, analyzing and generating the sonic, visual and textual variations associated with fictional specimens.
The audiences get to perceive and build the knowledge of fictional specimens when processing and fusing multiple modalities simultaneously, particularly in this project, is the engagement of vision and audio. By exploring the multimodal storytelling and combinatory creativity of a series of specimens and sound effects, sensory information begins to flow, migrate and further create novel enigmatic mood and memory. Noise is constantly generated under the collision of synthesizer, code, image data.
The establishment of spectral spatiality is contributed from granular synthesis and microsound in composition. Within an immersive audiovisual environment, the audiences observe the Cabinet of Curiosities included AI-generated microbes and sound objects. This project intends to envelop data sonification, sound synthesis and digital image analysis of machine learning via open-source computer vision, Wekinator, and MAX/MSP etc.
Microsound, spectromorphology, motion “microscopy”
Microsound, spectromorphology, motion “microscopy”