A Digtal Utopia For The Institution

Royal College of Art- AcrossRCA | Speculative Project Plans | Questioning Online Curating / 2021
A collaborative project by Fergus Wiltshire and Shontelle Xintong Cai,
Curation Mentor: Hang Li
We invite participants to enter our fantastical world in which we know no limits. A Digital Utopia for the Institution explores the idea of an immersive space online by fusing our understanding of the physical world with the endless possibilities of the digital. In this utopian fantasy in relation to Tate’s Turbine Hall, we see digital art freely controlling the space and interacting with works from the physical in an exciting mix of game play reality and virtual exhibition display. The exhibition furthermore, immerses the viewer in a sensorial experience in which we encourage them to set free their inhibitions and enter a world of possibility.
- Perceptual Experience and Sensory Memnory: Skin, Smell, Vision, Hearing, Haptic, Kinesthesia
- Walking-orientated practices in digital architecture
- Material and immaterial geographies of the curation space
- Mixed Reality
- Edutainment
- Accessibility
Research Document Sample
